Saturday 27 November 2010

PRESS RELEASE - Day 4 (Second Day of Action Planning)

The peaceful occupation of the Fine Arts building at Newcastle University is now in its fourth successful day. We are here following a National Day of Action on Wednesday, which saw thousands of students, university and non-university, lecturers and members of the public demonstrating to oppose the devastating cuts to Higher Education and the discontinuation of Education Maintenance Allowance. This was followed by a very well attended teach-in organized by Newcastle Free Education Network.

The continued support from Tyne & Wear Left Unity, the Northern Region UCU, many lecturers and the general public is not only greatly appreciated but is vital to the campaign and our occupation.

Our commitment to education is manifest in our dedication to providing alternative lectures, workshops and discussions in unfilled time in the occupied lecture theatre. These are well attended by a wide variety of people and continue to be popular.

Today we were pleased to hold talks with student representatives of local sixth forms and colleges about the second National Day of Action which is due to be held on Tuesday 30th November. We are currently corresponding with Northumbria Police about this event.

1 comment:

  1. Check out the highly creative and effective student protests in Italy this last week. Not content with occupying their universities and colleges and taking it to the streets, as is traditional now in Italy, students occupy key economic interests such as an airport, bridges into a city, train stations and now major tourist sites: The Coliseum in Rome and The Leaning Tower in Pisa. The point is not to just stay in the spaces of learning (which in some cases can be fairly invisible to others) but to take back other public spaces for occupation and debate and mass political effect.
    The occupations here are great and just the start but we could begin to think just a bit wider about creating new occupied spaces of protest, discussion, assembly and ultimately direct action against the cuts and Government. When we take such spaces we are also inviting others who are fighting the cuts to take the space with us and to all work together.

    Good round-up of Italian struggles here:
